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Contracting Opportunities

SAFCA operates with a small number of permanent full-time staff, consisting of a small team of experienced executives and program managers, supported by a small civil service staff. In order to perform much of the ongoing, day-to-day, or normal functions of the agency, SAFCA relies on a team of highly qualified consultants to perform much of the professional and technical work. SAFCA relies on a variety of well-established consultant selection procedures, including Sole Source, Request for Qualifications, and Request for Proposals. As well as formal and informal bidding procedures for Public Works projects. SAFCA utilizes these different contract types:

Commodities & Equipment: Contracts for the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment. Equipment is a capital asset with an aggregate cost in excess of $5,000 having a useful life expectancy of five (5) years or more.

Services: Provision of technical services to agency for property, equipment or general operational activities.

Professional Services/Consultant: Provide professional or expert advice in relation to capital projects, technical analysis, intergovernmental relations, legal services and financial services.

Public Works: For the performance of capital projects or repair of existing facilities. SAFCA utilizes the formal public works bidding procedures applicable to the County of Sacramento.

Real Property: Real property acquisitions, conveyances, license agreements and utility relocation agreements.

Inter-Agency Agreements: Include and are not limited to Cost Sharing Agreements, Cooperative Agreements and Service Agreements.

For more details please see SAFCA’s Contracting Policy.

Current Contracting Opportunities

We appreciate your interest in contracting with the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (SAFCA). Below is a list of the available opportunities.

North Beach Lake Levee – Sweeney Ranch Pump Station Project – Discharge Pipes & Structures, Sacramento County, California – Contract No. 4667.

For more Public Works/Construction Opportunities bidders are encouraged to monitor the Sacramento County website and create a free account with OpenGov Procurement

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